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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moving when it hurts can help me?

Keep it Movin'
When your knee aches from osteoarthiritis, the last thing you feel like doing, is moving.  You may think that by remaining motionless, you are doing your knee right....right? Wrong!  Inactivity actually leads to more pain.

Even when you are in a lot of pain from osteoarthritis, your joints do better when you keep them moving.  Physical therapy is the best defense against osteoarthritis. You can't cure osteoarthiritis  with exercise and physical therapy, but you can increase your strength and range of motion, which, in effect, will lessen your pain.

Why Does it Hurt Less When I Move More?
As you begin to move around, the amount of synovial fluid in your joints begins to increase.  This fluid transports nutrients to the joint while providing lubrication.  Think of synovial fluid as WD-40.  It helps the joints to move easier and more fluidly. Have you ever noticed, standing up, after sitting down for a long period of time, hurts your joints?  That's because there is less synovial fluid running through your joints.

Losing excess weight will help your joint to feel even better.  Every pound lost is three to four pounds of pressure taken off of the joints.  If you lost 10 pounds, you would take 30-40 pounds of pressure off of your knees.  That's a HUGE difference!

Exercises You Can Start On Your Own
A physical therapist can customize a workout specifically for you, but there are also some exercises you can do on your own.  Weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing exercises are excellent for people with joint pain.

See below for a list of exercises that can help reduce osteoarthiritis pain:

  • Go for regular walks. Walking is one of the best activities for someone with knee pain, Ciccone says. Walking gets synovial fluid flowing, and increases strength and endurance.
  • Try swimming or water aerobics. Working out in the water is an excellent choice because you can exercise joints without putting stress on them, explains Ciccone.
  • Get on a bike. Cycling is also a great low-impact activity that helps improve strength and endurance without putting too much pressure on your knees.
  • Practice yoga or tai chi. Both of these gentle activities build strength and promote flexible joints. Just be careful not to force yourself into positions that put undue strain on your joints.
  • Gain strength with simple squats. Squats are a gold-standard exercise, Ciccone notes. Start by standing in front of a hard-back chair with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward. Sink down into the chair by pushing your butt back and keeping your knees over your feet; then stand up. Once you feel comfortable with the movement, do it without the chair. Start with three sets of 10 repetitions and work up to 12 and then 15 repetitions.
  • Use the leg press machine at a gym. If you’re a member of a gym, Ciccone recommends using a leg press machine. Start with a weight that’s less than your body weight and use one leg at a time so that you don’t allow one leg to press more weight than the other.
  • March in place. Picking up one knee, then lowering it and raising the other knee helps increase strength, balance, and range of motion, Ciccone says. Count 10 steps on each foot per set for three sets.
  • Practice a balancing exercise. Hold onto a counter with one hand as you stand on one leg. Once you feel comfortable with the movement, move slightly away from the counter and hold on by your fingertips. Eventually balance without holding onto anything. Balance for 30 seconds on each leg; work up to one to two minutes, Ciccone recommends.

  • Stretch. Place your palms against a wall and placing one foot slightly behind you, then lean forward to stretch your calf muscle. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. To stretch your hamstrings, sit on the edge of a chair. Straighten one leg while keeping your heel on       the floor and move your chest forward until you feel a stretch. Hold it for 20 seconds then repeat with the    other leg.

Everyone is different, so pick the exercise that is best for you...and the one you enjoy more, of course!  Incorporating activity into your daily routine is important for EVERYBODY, not just those with osteoarthiritis.  If you can prevent it, even better!

Marquez Orthopedics
(956) 668-0060
2402 Cornerstone Blvd.
Edinburg, Texas 78539

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