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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Success for our first "Live Surgery Apprenticeship!"

    It has been such a pleasure to host the 11th grade students of Mr. Laney's Health Science II-Rehab class at Marquez Orthopedics.  This morning, the students of Med High participated in Marquez Orthopedics first-ever "Live Surgery Apprenticeship." 
    The event allowed the students to view a live surgery, via satellite, from our very own auditorium.  The total knee replacement surgery was performed by Dr. Marquez at Cornerstone Regional hospital, located right next door to our orthopedic facility.  Being that the students were in a class that focuses primarily on rehabilitation, our physical therapist, Robert Huerta, was our presenter.  He opened the event with a presentation that explains how the Ortho Pilot, a computer-assited joint replacement machine, works.  Dr. Marquez is one of few orthopedic surgeons to operate with the Ortho Pilot.  In fact, he utilizes the auditorium in our facility to train other surgeons on how to operate the Ortho Pilot.
    As soon as Robert wrapped up his presentation, we called in to the Operating Room via satellite.  From here, we were able to see the entire operating room and everyone in it.  We had the capability of viewing the surgery from several different angles and could also hear the surgery technicians explaining each step of the process.  The students kept their composure (for the most part) even though the surgery was a bit graphic at times.  
    After the surgery was over, Dr. Marquez walked over to the facility to join the students and talked to them about the importance of loving what you do.  He told the students, "I'm like a little kid on Christmas morning on the days I have surgery!" 
    Overall, it was a great learning opportunity for the students and we are looking forward to hosting another event.  I want to thank South Texas ISD for allowing their students to join us.  We all at Marquez Orthopedics enjoy sharing what we do with others.  After all, it is important that you love what you do :) 

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