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Monday, March 26, 2012

Valley Physician's to Hold Rally

By Steve Taylor

McAllen, March 21- To coincide with an online petition it has just launched, the Texas Medical Association will hold a rally and a town hall meeting in McAllen next Tuesday to reverse state cuts in Medicare-Medicaid funding.

"If the budget cuts stay, some physicians may have no choice but to close their doors," the TMA stated Wednesday.  "Physicians want to take care of all their patients, many of whom are long-term patients, neighbors, and even friends.  This issue affects physicians and patients in the Rio Grande Valley and throughout the state."

The rally, which will include a news conference, will feature physicians and their patients, is being held in the parking lot of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission building at 4501 West Business 83 in McAllen, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on March 27.

Both events are being co-hosted by the Hidalgo-Starr counties Medical Society.

"Along the border, the Medicare-Medicaid dual-eligible program is vital.  We have more Medicare-Medicaid patients per capita than anywhere else," said Hidalgo Starr Counties Medical Society President Victor Gonzalez.

Dual-eligible patients are those old enough to qualify for Medicare and able to qualify for Medicaid assistance because of their income.  Gonzalez said he believes that on average, primary care physicians in the Valley have a patient mix that is 60 percent dual eligible.  As a result of budget cuts imposed by the legislature last year, physicians are getting 20 percent less money for seeing such patients.

"Any corporation that has a dramatic drop of 20 percent in their revenue from one year to the next without taking the proper precautions, in therm of controlling internal costs, is going to get into a lot of trouble," Gonzalez told the Guardian, in a recent interview.

On a visit to Edinburg last week, HHSC Commissioner Tom Suehs said he believes reimbursement rates to health care providers should be structured to take into account the socio-economic makeup of a region.

"One of the things my staff and I are sensitive to is that the Valley is different to every other area.  When I reimburse, say, a primary care physicians in Dallas, Medicaid may be 15 to 20 percent of their practice. Here in the Valley it is 75 to 80 percent," Suehs told reporters.

Suehs made his remarks to reporters while attending meetings with South Texas lawmakers, physicians, pharmacists and hospital representatives.  The meetings were called to discuss the rollout of managed care in the Hidalgo Service Area.

Among the physicians who attended the meetings with Suehs, which was held at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance, was Dr. Carlos Cardenas of Edinburg.

Cardenas said Suehs was very receptive to the plight of Valley physicians, especially those with a high percentage of dual-eligible patients.

"I am feeling more positive walking out of this meeting than I did walking into it," Cardenas told the Guardian at the end of the meetings.  "What we heard today is that the commissioner wants to restore the deductible payments for the Medicare-Medicaid.  That is a significant move.  There is also a willingness to look at the rate cut itself."

The deductible payment is $140.

Cardenas is vice chairman of the TMA.  He will speak at next Tuesday's rally, along with Gonzalez and TMA President Bruce Malone, MD.

Cardenas said the rally has been organized to press state leaders to rescind the state budget cuts that threaten the vital health care access for hundreds of thousands of "dual eligible" Texans.

Cardenas said physician leaders are urging colleagues and patients to sign petitions asking Texas legislators and the Legislative Budget Board to reverse the budget cuts for dual-eligible patients' health care.  "We encourage everybody to sign the petition," he said.

The TMA's petition is on its website.

"A combination of poorly informed governmental decisions and bureaucratic bungling has created a medical emergency across the state for thousands of dual-eligible Texans and the physicians who care for them," the TMA states, on its website.

"Preserve access to quality health care.  Please ask Texas legislators and the Legislative Budget Board to reverse the cap on Medicaid-allowable payments for dual-eligible patients and ensure physicians to continue to see these patients."

The TMA has also produced a vide to highlight the plight of La Joya physician Javier Saenz, who has a high number of dual-eligible patients.  Saenz has had to sink the $35,000 a month of his own money in order to keep his practice open this year.

In the video, Saenz says he has not been paid by the state for treating Medicare-Medicaid patients for weeks.  "We have lost close to $50,000 in deductibles.  We have said goodbye to $50,000 over a four week period," Saenz said.  "I have had to go through my personal money to be able to keep my office open.  If I had no savings whatsoever this office would have closed over two weeks ago."

The TMA video points out that the people of La Joya think so highly of Saenz that middle school was named after him.  He has 5,000 patients and more than half are dual-eligible," which means they are old enough to have their medical bills paid by Medicare and poor enough to qualify for Medicaid.  Saenz tells the TMA is trying to get a loan to keep his practice going.

According to the TMA, a "combination of bad government decisions and bureaucratic bungling is creating a medical emergency for thousands of Texans and the physicians who care for them."

The video also features and interview with Dr. Gonzalez, Dr. Noe Oliveira and Dr. Diana Cortines, who works with Saenz at his La Joya practice.

Write- Steve Taylor

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First Responders

It was our pleasure to host the First Responders from the various RV Parks around the valley, today.  For those of you who don't know what "First Responders" are, they are medical resources for the residents of the RV parks where our Winter Texans and Converted Texans stay.  These First Responders are, for the most part, retired nurses, paramedics, or have some tie to the medical field.  They have volunteered their time not only to be of service to the residents of the RV parks, but to continue learning about the advancements in medicine so that they may better serve their fellow Winter Texans.  It is in that way that they came to our practice today.

Every other week, the First Responders collaborate with Welcome Home, RGV to attend a seminar in which they learn new information to relay back to their residents.  This week's seminar, was about orthopedics and the symptoms to look for which indicate treatment for knee, hip, and shoulder.  Dr. Marquez also presented on conditions such as arthritis and osteo diseases and ways to treat them.

Robert, our Physical Therapist, demonstrated different post-op therapy techniques that could be done at home as well as stretches and exercises to provide relief in commonly affected joints and muscles. Following the presentations was a spontaneous visit to Cornerstone Regional Hospital: our next door neighbor.  Cornerstone is a boutique hospital which specializes in orthopedics and neurology.  Because of it's orthopedic specialty, they are able to serve patient's much more attentively in that respective area.

After a long morning of note-taking and questions, the First Responders called it a day.  It is most reassuring to know that there are still people who volunteer their time for the sake of others.  I hope that we filled them with as much information as possible and that they continue to seek us as a resource when it comes to orthopedics.  Thank you First Responders.  It was my pleasure being your host today.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

DIY Home Therapy

Treating Arthritis

Aside from treating your arthritis using medication, physical therapy remains at the cornerstone of traditional treatment.  There are other treatments that you can do at home to complement your physical therapy to ease your arthritis pain.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Temperature plays a vital role in the way your bones and joints feel.  I'm sure you have noticed that when it is cold out, you're more achey and stiff as opposed to when it is warm and everything in your body feels nice and fluid.  There are plenty of things you can do at home using heat and cold to relieve your pain.

A bathtub filled with warm water can raise the pain threshold and relax the muscles.  If you have access to a tub with jets or even a hot tub, this would be even more beneficial for you.  Soak for 15-20 minutes to relax your weight-bearing muscles.

Warm showers in the morning can help to relieve the stiffness you feel when you get out of bed.
Covering up in warm clothing immediately after can help to trap the heat and prolong the effects.

Heating pads will also do the trick for any aches and pains.  Moist heat penetrates better, so if you don't have a heating pad at home,  heat a damp folded towel in the microwave for about 60 seconds or in an oven set at 300 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes. Test the heated towel on the inside of your arm before applying it to a joint.

Cold ice packs are great for relieving pain, especially after an injury.  They are inexpensive and easy to use.  If you don't have an ice pack, just fill up a Ziploc with some ice and apply for 15-20 minutes.  You can do this every hour or as needed.  Coolant sprays, creams, and gels can also be used.  Just remember, cooling is only a temporary measure to relieve pain; too much may cause muscle stiffness.


Believe it or not, regular exercise not only helps maintain joint function, but also relieves stiffness and decreases pain and fatigue.  Many patients have the mentality that if something hurts you shouldn't move it, however that is not true when it comes to arthritis pain.  People who suffer from joint pain discover that if they don't exercise regularly, they'll pay the price in pain and stiffness.  Regular exercise will increase your range of motion, strengthen your muscles, and build endurance (don't forget to ask us for a stress ball when you come visit us! They're great for exercise!)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Treadmill Workouts

Hello to all of you, I hope you are having a very active week!  Along with this blog, I also blog for a gym and post up fitness and nutrition information (600pusgym.blogspot.com).  Today, I posted a blog about changing up your routine on the treadmill as a means to get a better calorie burn.  I thought that it contained good information for our blog as well since we promote a healthy and active lifestyle.  Of course, keep in mind, that you are only allowed to do these workouts if you are healthy and have clearance from your doctor because they are rather difficult.  These types of workout aren't for those of you who have had a hip or knee replacement!  It's more for my sports medicine, active, patients.  Alright, so here it is!

1. Distance workout

Start with a 5 minute warm up at an easy pace (everyone's difficulty level is different so if a brisk walk is a warm up to you, start there, or if you're a little more advanced, start somewhere around 10 minute miles.  After the first 5 minutes of warm are up, pick it up two notches (press the "up" arrow twice).  Then, every 2 minutes after that, keep raising the speed two notches.  Do this until you find yourself at about 85% of your fastest speed- in other words, 100% would be a sprint.  After that, bring it back down to a pace that is just a tick faster than your warm up pace. The goal here is to never let your body get comfortable   If you still have the energy to do another set, go for it!  Make sure you get at least 5 minutes of cool down to let your heart rate slow down gradually.

2.  Sprint Workout

Start with a good 1/2-1 mile warm up.  Your going to be sprinting so you need to make sure your legs are nice and warm.  Your speed will depend on how fit you are cardiovascularly.  I can't tell you exactly how fast to set the speed, but what I can tell you is that it is definitely faster than a jog.  Get out of your comfort zone.  You shouldn't be sprinting at 100% but I do want you at an uncomfortable 85-90%.  You're going to do four-six, 400 yard sprints.  A 400 on the treadmill is one-fourth of a mile (remember there are four 400s in a mile...you still with me?).  So it's gonna go like this: you just finished your warm up, you jack up your speed to 90% of your fastest speed until you have been running for 400 yards, jump off to the sides and catch your breath for 2 minutes, jump back on, sprint it out again, jump off, repeat until you have done this at LEAST four times.  I challenge you to do six, though.  Remember to listen to your body so don't do more than you can handle.  To make this more difficult, you can decrease your rest time to 90 seconds, or even a minute.  You can also do another set, just make sure you give yourself at least 5 minutes of recovery in between.  Don't forget to cool down.  It is extremely important after a sprint workout.

3. Burn Baby Burn 

Climbing uphill is my least favorite thing to do on a treadmill because it burns so much...which means it's a really good workout.  I don't mind the burn when I sprint but there's just something about uphills that I hate.  Anyway, this one is easy to explain...you can do this if you're a walker or a runner.  All you do here is of course, warm up on a flat surface, then start to pick up the speed but also increase the incline as well.  Take it up to about a level 2 or 3.  If you only plan on being on the treadmill for a short amount of time (less than 20 minutes), I want you cranking up the incline one notch every two minutes.  If you're going to be there longer, you can raise it every five minutes. Remember, you can do this at any pace you like, but of course, the more you challenge yourself during your workout, the better the after burn.

Try these workouts next time you get on the treadmill.  You can even do the first two outside if your prefer running outside or on a track.  The change in the cardio routine will help you burn more calories and you will probably be a little sore since you're not used to it.  Being sore is awesome though!  I love it because it let's me know I had a great workout.  Hope this helps!  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Potential New Therapy Approach For Hepatitis C Could Benefit 170 Million People Affected Worldwide

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have found a new way to block infection from the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the liver that could lead to new therapies for those affected by this and other infectious diseases. 

More than 170 million people worldwide suffer from hepatitis C, the disease caused by chronic HCV infection. The disease affects the liver and is one of the leading causes of liver cancer and liver transplant around the world. HCV is spread by blood-to-blood contact and there is no vaccine to prevent it. Current treatments for the disease are only moderately effective and can cause serious side effects. 

"As HCV infects a person, it needs fat droplets in the liver to form new virus particles," says François Jean, Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Scientific Director of the Facility for Infectious Disease and Epidemic Research (FINDER) at UBC. "In the process, it causes fat to accumulate in the liver and ultimately leads to chronic dysfunction of the organ." 

"HCV is constantly mutating, which makes it difficult to develop antiviral therapies that target the virus itself," says Jean. "So we decided to take a new approach." 

Jean and his team developed an inhibitor that decreases the size of host fat droplets in liver cells and stops HCV from "taking residence," multiplying and infecting other cells. 

"Our approach would essentially block the lifecycle of the virus so that it cannot spread and cause further damage to the liver," says Jean. The team's method is detailed in the journalPLoS Pathogens. 

According to Jean, HCV is one of a number of viruses that require fat to replicate in the human body. This new approach to curbing the replication of HCV could translate into similar therapies for other related re-emerging viruses that can cause serious and life threatening infections in humans, such as dengue virus. Dengue is endemic in more than 100 countries, with approximately 2.5 billion people at risk of infection globally. In some countries, Dengue has become the leading cause of child mortality. 

Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release. Click 'references' tab above for source.
